
Bits and Pieces

There have been a lot of high emotions lately. For starters, med school is hard. All these talented people are used to being at the top of their class, then they come to medical school where everyone was at the top, so now they are "just" average, and it's foreign and uncomfortable. Everyone is trying (rightfully so) to be the very best applicant they can be, so this means volunteer hours and outstanding grades and research papers and leadership positions etc etc etc. Holy stressful! On busy days, Michael is down in his baby pink (my bad) study room in the mornings before I wake up and at nights after I go to sleep. Poor guy. And then he feels bad because he wants to be able to spend time with Lydia and me, but there just aren't enough hours in the day! Michael and I haven't had enough time to just be... silly together. Every time we interact it's with a purpose. Quickly eat dinner while we trade off feeding Lydia. Discuss yesterday's test and the upcoming project. Ask about Lydia's cold and if it's getting any better. Read scriptures and then hustle off to baths and studying and cleaning and paying bills and BAM it's 11pm and I'm heading to bed. We usually have a mini outing on Saturdays (getting churros at Costco or popping in Nordstrom Rack), but day in day out we need more little bits and pieces of pure fun! That's our goal this week :). To be a little sillier and happier and find joy in the small things. I'll let you know how it goes! 

On a lighter note, spring!! 

Found this lonely guy in the backyard and he made my day!

My favorite new nail polish. Essie's Lounge Lover is the cheeriest coral for April.

Lydia helping fold her laundry. Also I feel like everything in my life is white or pink lately??

Denim on denim on denim.

On Tuesday we drove to campus and met Michael for lunch! This little girl is in love with him. Big smiles everytime they're together :).

Michael cut his (5 inch long) hair last night!! Lookin good babe!

Mom jeans seemed fitting for mom life ;).

Here's to a fun-filled week!

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