
How Do You Get Dressed? and Miley Buns.

I feel super conflicted looking back on these photos. 

It's like 17-year-old millenial meets 90's mom meets frazzled housewife. 

Actually sounds pretty accurate ;).
Also it's totally by chance that these, The Comfiest Shoes on Planet Earth, perfectly match the wall. Except not that chancy because I literally wear them everyday. I have to force myself real hard to put on anything else. Go by yourself a pair. Best $19 ever.

And speaking of this amazing wall! It's.... the outside of a huge lingerie store. 

Yup. I took both my kids there and set up a tripod. WINNING at parenting.

I remember years ago reading this blogger tell how she chose her outfits; she based everything on the shoes. She starts with the shoes and then works her way up from there.

This seems crazy to me. Who does this? Do you?!

I can't. Shoes are a total afterthought for me. Like, Oh dang I guess I can't walk into Target barefoot so I'll throw these on.

I typically start with pants. That's my foundation. Cuz if I exercised that day, I'll go for some high waisted skinny jeans and rock a crop top. Or if I miraculously shaved my legs, I gotta live it up and wear a skirt. Or if I'm feeling bold and retro, I'll shimmy into some mom jeans. 

But I'd guess most people start with tops? 

Tell me. I'm curious. 

And I'm LOLing as much as you are that I'm actually typing about this. But hey! It's fun to know ;). I mean the saddest part about moving out of the house (from my three sisters) is the lack of OUTFIT INPUT. Like, come on Michael! Which dress is cuter! Let's talk about it for 10 minutes! ;) He's so sick of me asking that hahaha. "It all looks great babe." 

Thanks boo. 

Top: Topshop  here
Denim: Madewell  here
SHOES YOU NEED: Birkenstocks  here but I actually found these at Rack for $19!
Lydia's Outfit: Target 
Lydia's Lack of Shoes: Toddler
Cannon's Onesie: Target

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