The day I never thought I'd ever see.
We finally have a handle on two! TWO KIDS. And we're all a l i v e .
It's literally taken me 11 months and 18 days to reach this point of peace but who's counting?
HA. Two kids 19 months apart was a TRIP. Anyone who says otherwise either has a ton of family support or is lying. (Or has angel children I guess.) My two, as much as my whole heart loves them, are not exactly cherubic. They are darling and hilarious and creative, but they're also destructive and hangry (always?) and crazy. Literally as I'm typing this my two-year-old is throwing an entire box of crayons on the ground as I nag her to stop. But my level of caring is like a 2.4 and I'd rather type than fight so the crayons keep coming. Also Cannon just started crying because the crayon bombs woke him up an hour early. Lovely.
But this is actually an enormous improvement! ;) Haha. For a few months there I told everyone we were done having kids. I was losing my mind as well as all memories of cleanliness and I was just done. But fast forward a year and we've hit some sort of happy spot and it's actually - dare I say - fun! The huge bonus of having a one-year-old and a two-year-old simultaneously is the friendship. They truly are best buddies. Lydia wakes up in the morning immediately asking if she can run into Cannon's room yet. (Since she is finally allowed out of her room at a whopping 6:00am this is always a "no", ha.) And when Lydia is at Joy School, Cannon just walks around the house looking for her. He breaks into a huge toothy smile every time he sees her. They really do love each other and watching that develop has been my most favorite thing ever. That and Trader Joe's dark chocolate peanut butter cups. They scurry downstairs to the basement and play kitchen together. I'll spy on them jumping on the bed together, laughing their hearts out. Literally my little monkeys. They chase each other through our hideous IKEA tunnels for like thirty minutes straight on the daily (BEST PURCHASE TO DATE). I never want to forget their little messy faces at lunch playing peekaboo with each other, or the other day when I walked in on Lydia quizzing Cannon on his animal noises and correcting him when he wanted everything to be an elephant.
So for as many times as my mental vocabulary has been quite colorful (kidding Mom!), or as many times as I've shouted, "JUST EVERYONE STOP CRYING!" as I cry, or as many times as I've pinky promised Michael to never have two kids this close again - I am finally at the point where I not only appreciate their closeness, but I love it. So even though there is most definitely going to be a massive break in kids for now, I wouldn't be surprised if I have a stroke of amnesia in four years and want another set of close little best friends :).
(Also I think this photo alone qualifies me for every free eyebrow microblading and lash extension giveaway ever don't you think?) |
Team Alfalfa. |
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So in love with these people. |
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