
Spring Stripes & Summer Schedules

This week was chock-full of one of my favorite activities - scheduling! I love anything involving intense planning (events, traveling, etc) and always joke to Michael that I would make a KILLER personal assistant. Few things in life bring me as much joy as writing on our giant wall calendar. Even scheduling out my gym classes for the week makes me SO HAPPY! Haha. I think I like the possibilities. I could do Monday body pump and Tuesday spin? Ooh or I could do Wednesday spin and Tuesday barre? It's about as mathematical as I get these days, trying to plug in everything ;).

So we're heading into Michael's final year of medical school (already?! finally?! mixed feelings here...) and we've been spending lots of super romantic late nights standing around the wall calendar, trying to coordinate board exams, family trips, multiple away rotations, babysitters, birthdays, preschool breaks and so on. And GUESS WHAT I LOVE IT. Give me alllllll the blue pens and let's make some plans baby! (Not to be confused with baby plans. None of those quite yet.)

And as you can tell by my white legs we are DESPERATELY ready for dress weather!! Bring it on, Spring!

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