
Imaginary Closet - Anthro Faves!

Anthro is totally killing it right now! 

Half the time I walk in there and just leave depressed or confused: odd cuts, weird prints. But this last month I went in three different Anthropologies (oops!) and loved so so much.

[SIDENOTE: I'm currently blasting Simple Plan (Long Live 2006!) as I type this and it's making me super happy. I'm also currently ignoring my husband and sister who are making fun of me.]

So here goes my Imaginary Closet if I had endless Anthro funds! Also for a description of Imaginary Closet look  here and for my most recent (not that recent) Imaginary Closet click  here

Hello gorgeous. I've been on the lookout for white non-see-through shirts (pretty much impossible) and this one ( here) is amaze.

These pants ( here) would fulfill my pjs-all-day dreams. Don't know I can pull off a drop crotch though...

Fun basic! ( here)

I reeeeeally wanted to make this railroad jumpsuit work. Nursing friendly! Cuffed sleeves! Stripes! But what are moms for if not for being brutally honest about what does and doesn't look good on you ;). Thanks mom? Ha. ( here)

THIS jumpsuit on the other hand I LOVE with so much of my heart. But couldn't get the hubby on board. I almost bought it anyways right before I remembered we're broke. But sheesh tough crowd between my mom and my boo thang. Currently scrounging my house for loose gift cards and hidden cash ;).

Wish this dress ( here) had another inch or two! Love the mixed fabric. 

Then on the no-makeup double-stroller day I tried on this little $478 number! Seemed fitting. Spit up wouldn't show right? ( here)

Another dress I tried to mentally force to grow an inch! All. The. Heart. Eyes. Sleeves, stripes, scoop neck - oh my!

Sweet high-low ruffled skirt ( here).

And closing out with a bang! Can I or can I not pull off a metallic stretchy skirt highly reminiscent of freshman costume parties?

But actually I kinda like it.


  1. That white blouse has my heart too ❤ if only!

    1. Right?! Someday... PS I'm buying your Costco peanut butter tomorrow!

  2. Um yeah someday when we are both back in AZ and have money, I'm taking you as my shopping buddy so you can dress me ;)

    1. Hahaha DEAL!! Yes please! Except you guys will have a real job like a decade before we do ;). LOL


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