
2016 - The Year of Low-Key Goodness

So I feel like the whole world is mad at 2016 and can't wait for this fresh start. I've seen half a dozen videos floating around Facebook where people complain about all the famous people who died, the election results, etc. But personally this year was pretty mellow for us - in a good way! 

For starters, we finally have a good handle on this whole medical school thing! Michael has an awesome study routine, and I've come to accept how much he's gone and fill in those gaps with amazing friends and lots of activities. I also have learned that when there's a test and Michael seems distant and stressed, to not pick that moment to try and have some big heart to heart about switching Lydia to a toddler bed or improving our marriage or our extended family's summer vacation plans. Hahaha. He obviously wants to talk about those things at some point! Just maybe wait till after the test to talk about it. And don't worry! It only took me a year to figure this out. Genius wife over heeeere. 

Also, Lydia Sue. She is getting cuter and more fun by the day. Looking back to last Christmas - when she was barely rolling over, to now - where she's saying, "Help please!" and sprinting away from me at the mall, it's crazy to see the change that can happen in one year! She is curious, cautious and confident with a healthy independent streak to keep us parents on our toes. For the few meltdowns we get, there are a dozen post-nap cuddles or midday open-mouth kisses to make up for it :).

Health wise I hit a pretty good balance this year! (Let's just ignore the last 5 months of being sick and pregnant, ha.) But this last year I finally found a work out routine that I loved, so from January to July I exercised the most consistently I had for like 3 years, and partnered that with conscious eating! (Read about what I did for exercise  here.) I felt strong and empowered, and I was just generally happier! Which I think is the case with all of us when we work out. Unfortunately that's all kind of gone out the window since getting pregnant, but I'm really excited to get back into a routine after Baby Boy.

Michael and I were pretty bad about New Year's Resolutions this time around. Typically we sit down and discuss our lists, but I think this year we're just trying to take things one day at a time with the toughest semester of medical school ahead of us and a new baby on top of that. We're not asking too much of ourselves, haha ;). If I have any major goal it would be to improve myself spiritually.  I really want to come closer to my Savior and teach Lydia by example how to feel and follow the Spirit. I want to help her love to pray and I want to start more consistently reading Book of Mormon stories with her. When life gets crazy or I feel lonely or down on myself, no amount of retail therapy or instagram likes can make me feel better. It really is all about my relationship with Christ, and I want to help Lydia begin to learn that. 

On a lighter note, we went to the cutest NOON Year's Eve party! Thanks to the one and only Jenna Robinson for hosting an adorable toddler party. 

Lydia was obsessed with this bouncy slide!

Coveted Madsen Bike!! 
Aaaand the balloon perfectly covered Lydia's face - HA! ;)
Noon Balloon Release!
I couldn't stop laughing when I was looking through these pictures. Lolz.
Ah there we go! Happy 2017 everyone! Cheers to no resolutions and simply shooting for surviving these next few months. Ha! 

I'm nervous to go back to freezing cold Utah tomorrow, can you tell? 


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