
Bumpdate: Week 32


Today marks the start of Month 8 of this pregnancy, and I am kind of in shock! 

In some ways I feel like I've been pregnant forever. I mean I peed on a stick way back in June! June feels like an eternity ago. Lydia wasn't even walking yet! So I've known this was coming for a while.

But between Halloween and Thanksgiving and finals and Christmas break, time has flown. We are in the final weeks!! Like some websites say to pack your hospital bag right now?!

For the record I could not handle staring at my hospital bag every day for 2 months. I don't even own blue swaddle blankets or newborn diapers yet, let alone a going home outfit for him!

Luckily I think Lydia is kind of coming around to the idea of babies! Though at first she wanted nothing to do with her Dolly, she now insists on taking her everywhere with us. 

And occasionally shoving her face in the snow. 

So here's one of the last few bumpdates for ya! 

How far along: 32 weeks

Fruit size: Kale (??) 

Weight gain: 23 pounds. Shockingly I didn't gain any weight over Christmas break? No clue how that happened, ha. 

Maternity clothes: Are the worst. Every morning is like a huge battle between my belly and my bum and my arms and my triple chin ;). YAY. Really missing the gym and my skinny jeans right about now.

Sleep: Uncomfortable. I wake up every time I move. And I'm still waking up SO tired! No matter how many hours of sleep I get I feel so drugged in the morning! Like I can hardly get out of bed. I don't know why this is but it's worrying me. Hopefully it's just a continual side effect of the medication I'm taking. Cuz I cannot start off this drowsy in a couple months. Pairing this with a newborn and a toddler will be the death of me if something doesn't change!

Symptoms: Occasional backaches, but they're not bad. A few nights a week I'll feel nauseous but I haven't actually thrown up in weeks!! Once in a while I have heartburn.

Food cravings: Not really. But I am loving those key lime Chobani yogurt flips and apples with cheese. 

Food aversions: None!! 

Gender: Boy and we are SO not prepared! Haha. I have purposely been putting things off till now so that I have something to keep me occupied. We need quite a few things to make our home appropriately boy-worthy. Clothes, for starters. We have like a total of 4 outfits. Also I need to get going on this nursery makeover! Not that he'll be sleeping in it for a while, but still, I'd love to have it done before he's born.

Bump: Big as ever! Lydia seems increasingly concerned with my belly - she's constantly touching it and lifting up my shirt to see what's hiding under there. 

Thoughts: This past month has been so much better than the previous few! Most of the anxiety from a few months ago has subsided and I am just trying to enjoy these last eight weeks with only Lydia. There are of course those times when she is freaking out and won't stop crying and throws her entire plate of pasta on the floor and the house is a disaster, and in those moments I think, "How the heck are we going to add another one to this mix?" But then there are the adorable times when Lydia bows her head for the prayer and sings the ABCs and laughs her head off when Daddy tickles her and I remember, "Oh ya, I'll take 12 of these please."

Top: Target maternity 
Jacket: J.Crew 
Leggings: H&M maternity 
Boots: Hunter
Hat: Urban Outfitters
Bracelets: Alex & Ani
Lydia's Sweater: Old Navy 
Lydia's Vest: Nordstrom
Lydia's Leggings: thrifted
Lydia's Boots: Nordstrom Rack
Lydia's Turban: Topknotco
Lydia's Necklace: Crewcuts

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