
Thanks Tuesday for Saving Me from Monday!

This photo kind of sums up Monday. 

No makeup, bun as big as my head, no bra, that kind of day.

Which sometimes is liberating, but sometimes means the mix of grey skies and hail(!?) and moodiness and toddlerhood just got the best of us and we didn't end up leaving the house - or changing out of pjs - once. 

And for me those are always the most depressing sorts of days! I'm a do-er. Pretty much the opposite of a homebody. Few things get me more excited than having a lengthy To Do list. If I'm home for too long I get antsy. Even if I've been in the same city for more than a few weeks I start to get a little stir crazy. Who can I visit? Where can I go? And this becomes especially applicable in the dead of winter in Utah! I've been home for all of one week and I'm already looking into flights to go see my sister in San Francisco ;). Sue me.

But I'm learning there is a bit of upside to being a change-a-holic! For starters, whenever crazy life events occur I'm usually pretty good at taking it in stride. It's more like, "Okay, let's do this. A new adventure!" Also any parent will tell you that right when you've got your child figured out, they change. Think they're sleeping through the night? Nope! Think you figured out their favorite vegetable? Not anymore! Kids are the epitome of change. So at least I've got that going for me - bring it on change! Lydia and I can keep each other on our toes.

Lydia's baths double as alphabet time. This is the current line up of letters she likes. Apparently we're a little consonant-heavy!

And her new "cheese" face ;).

Homemade granola makes everything better! Recipe  here from my blog post back in June. 

And I couldn't leave out this shot from AZ last week. Girlfriend is OBSESSED with yogurt. Like literally I have to limit how much she gets each day and hide the container to the back of the fridge so she can't spot it. Hahaha. Kids are hilarious. 

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