It has been a week full of really tender ups and some pretty hilarious downs! Lydia and I flew back to Salt Lake Tuesday night, so we've basically spent the week just getting back into the swing of things (I.e. our fridge was empty, Michael's dirty clothes were piled high, all our bills needed to be paid, etc. What would that guy do without me? ;) )

We spent every free moment outside last week to soak up that AZ sun!

Michael and I decided we're a pretty good doubles team in badminton ;).

HAAAAA such a lovely toe kick don't you think?

Tried this button up on at Nordstrom Rack and still regret that I didn't get it! So cute with a bump but would still work after Baby is here. Should've done it! You know when you pass on something and then you spend the next two months trying to find that exact same thing somewhere else? Ya that's this top.
I'm convinced her face is perfect.
Baby eye rubs are like one my top five favorite things ever.
- I finally remembered to bring a blank check to Target so I could sign up for a Red card! 5% off everything - woot! So I'm all proud of myself until the screen asks for my social security number. And I completely drew a blank! Like I stood there for a good three minutes just racking my brain trying to remember the first three numbers. Two annoyed people behind me loudly switched lines, the cashier asked if there's someone I'd like to call - ha! Spacey. They say pregnancy brain isn't a real thing, but I sure hope so or else I'm just losing it! (And yes I eventually remembered it!)
- Lydia completely freaking out when we were like two minutes away from being done grocery shopping. Literally could not get her to sit in the cart, she wouldn't let me hold her, she was sprinting away from me screaming, the whole bit. So we pulled a very classy frazzled mom move and ditched the cart and marched straight to the car. HA. I'd love to see the video of that one.
- We've been transitioning Lydia to her toddler bed, but every night I forgot to set up the baby monitor. So last night Lydia is screaming at her locked door and I set a timer for 10 minutes. But out of nowhere she immediately stops! She goes from full on yelling to silence! So of course my mom brain panics and thinks her dresser fell on her or she got abducted or something. So I race in and she is just peacefully snuggled up in her bed - she put herself back in there! Hooray! But because now she just saw me she immediately starts yelling again and I feel guilty and cuddle her for 20 minutes and then end up putting her in the crib. Mom fail.
- Lydia was in the car while I was shoveling our driveway, and the nicest neighbor came up and said, "You shouldn't be doing that! Let me shovel!" And of course I got all teary eyed. She proceeded to shovel the entire driveway so I could leave, and then while I was gone she shoveled our whole walkway and sidewalk, too! So thankful for thoughtful people.
- I was shoveling ^^ to go to the glucose test - which went SO much better! I drank the lemon lime thing, then just ran errands with Lydia for 45 minutes to get my mind off it, then went back and got my blood drawn No Big Deal! The lady was super quick and was good at talking to me all about her Christmas (I usually request that they tell me stories, haha) and then it was over! Holllllaaaa.
- I was weirdly anxious about flying back alone with Lydia. I've flown with her dozens of times, but being huge and pregnant with a crazy toddler was making me all sorts of nervous. I was just praying for an empty seat next to us. We boarded the plane and one flight attendant kept announcing, "It's completely full, so take any seat you can find." Great. But then this awesome hipster flight attendant guy with oversized square glasses who kept using words like "selfie" and "fabulous" motioned for me! He asked if we wanted a row all to ourselves and I cried, "Yes please!!" So he ushered us into an empty row and then proceeded to stand in our row for the duration of boarding so no one else could sit there!! Talk about amazing customer service! Thank you random flight attendant! And Lydia happily spread out across all three seats and we had the best flight ever.

Top: Madewell (sized up)
Denim: AG maternity
Lydia's Top #1: Target
Lydia's Leggings #1: Target
Lydia's Boots: Zara
Lydia's Bow: Etsy
Lydia's Sweater #2: Zara
Lydia's Leggings #2: Target
Lydia's Turban: Topknots here
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