It's been a rough couple of weeks.
For starters, I failed my glucose test! Well kind of. I drank the lemon lime (highly recommend this flavor - not bad!) and then had an awesome doctors appointment across the hall. About 20 minutes till my blood draw time I was in the waiting room and started getting reeeeeally dizzy and hot and sweaty. Literal beads of sweat falling off my face. The nurse came over and told me to take deep breaths but I still felt awful. Then all of a sudden I felt it coming. I lunged back into the doctors area and threw up in the first trash can I saw. Don't worry, only every single person could hear me! I traumatized the whole waiting room - ha. Poor people. And Lydia was so scared and crying! The nurses were darling and played with Lydia and took good care of me, but the blood testers are sticklers and said I have to re do it! Even though by this point there was only 10 minutes left! So ya, super fun Friday morning.
Also I have so much more anxiety this pregnancy than I did with Lydia! I worry daily about Baby Boy. Did I feel enough kicks, is he growing, what if he just stops growing, how will I know? I haven't felt him move for an hour. Babe go get me some orange juice. I'm cramping. Is that a cramp? Maybe it's just normal stretching. I don't know! Should I call? I call too much. Ahhhhh! My mind just won't stop racing with worry. I've heard of so many scary/sad stories recently and so I'm extra paranoid, and since Lydia was IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction - basically she just stopped growing), I keep worrying about when/if that might happen again. On top of that I've just been generally really uncomfortable. Go figure - 20 extra pounds will do that to you ;). I'm not sleeping great, I frequently have to stop walking because of the Braxton Hicks contractions, I pee my pants just at random times, all lovely stuff. And then I feel guilty - I really am so grateful to be pregnant, but it can kind of suck sometimes!
ANYWAYS. Bumpdate! 28(1/2) weeks comin atcha!
How far along: 28 weeks
Fruit size: Butternut squash. Or a roller blade, if we're going off the "fun and games" size comparison on one of my apps.
Weight gain: 21 pounds. If I gain the typical pound a week third trimester this will put me at 33 pounds total. Woot woot!
Maternity clothes: Oh yes. I think the only non-maternity stuff I can squeeze into are some extremely stretchy maxi dresses. And luckily oversized sweaters are a thing, so I've been able to wear a few of those too.
Sleep: Alright. Occasional insomnia, definitely lots of shifting and repositioning happening all through the night. The drugs make me really tired all the time. I busted out my pregnancy pillow a few weeks ago so that helps!
Symptoms: Leg cramps! SO painful. These are different than the middle of the night charlie horses I had with Lydia though, these start around 2pm and then gradually get worse till about 8pm they are unbearable. Also the nausea has gotten worse the last week. I don't know if it's just baby getting bigger and taking up more tummy room or what. I've only thrown up a handful of times in the last couple weeks, it's mainly just feeling like I'm going to throw up, haha. But thank goodness for those drugs! When I didn't take them it was horrible, so they're apparently doing their job.
Food cravings: Hmm.. not much by way of cravings, it's more that a lot of things sound gross. But I'm pretty much always game for apples, popcorn, pretzels, kind of bland things. Also I made this kale salad a few nights ago that totally hit the spot! So so so good. Kale and wild rice and a lemony dressing - it was awesome. I want it right now actually. (Recipe here.)
Food aversions: Fast food is grossing me out lately (and probably always should? haha). The smell of all that grease just does me in. Also there was this chicken I made a few nights ago that I couldn't touch.
Gender: We cannot wait for a little boy! And officially taking all name suggestions?!
Bump: Just humongous, of course. Again at church today someone was like, "Wow, you've really grown a lot this week! You look a ton bigger!" Hahaha. Thanks. I know. I keep asking my doctor if it's normal to look this big this early but he keeps reassuring me that I'm measuring only about a week early and that my weight gain is normal and everything. Okay, thanks nice man. Even if you're slightly lying to me I'll take it.
Belly button in or out: Shockingly it's going flatter!
Thoughts: We're getting there! I can't believe in another week and a half I'll be in the 30s. That makes it sound so much closer. I can't wait to get back from break and then have something to look forward to - prepping for Baby Boy! I'll need to get some baby clothes (I seriously have like 4 total onesies for him), new binkies, a few non-pink blankets (we have like 4000 pink ones if anyone wants one!), and I want to paint two walls in the nursery! So that's a pretty exciting list of things to do at the start of 2017 :). Can't wait to meet you little guy!

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