
Fave Five

Trader Joe's Cedar Balsam Candle (here)

So every Christmas people start getting real particular about their candles. Like "only the Bath & Body Works smells like a real Christmas tree" or "you must buy the Anthro one or you're dead" kind of thing. And while admittedly those smell amazing, ain't no med student got funds for that. Enter Trader Joe's! (Of course. No surprise here to anyone who knows me.) For less than $4 you can get have Christmas spirit spreading throughout your whole house. Bam. Do it. So good.

Vera Bradley Lanyard ( here)

I went to a Favorite Things party last week and after much inner turmoil, this is what I ended up bringing! A lanyard sounds like a lame gift, but let me tell you they ROCK! Especially for anyone with kids. Please picture holding a child in one arm, diaper bag over your shoulder, grocery bags stripping away your arm skin, a fallen binky and sippy cup in your hands - you get the picture. How on earth are you going to walk from your car and actually get your keys out and open the back door? A lanyard, that's how. Lanyards for president. And bonus, these Vera Bradley ones are actually pretty cute and come in tons of fun prints!

Dazi Ties ( here)

Not much explaining to do here other than say if your fiancé/spouse/brand new boyfriend who you don't know what to get for Christmas needs a gift, these skinny ties rock! Michael has a few and always gets compliments on them.

Burt's Bees Exfoliating Wipes ( here)

I am so passionate about these face wipes! I really like to take good care of my skin, but for some reason I dislike washing my face directly with face wash and then using a wash cloth or splashing it off. I just end up soaking my counter, my hair, my shirt, everything. Clearly I'm doing something wrong here haha. So I always go back to face wipes, and these are my favorite! They get all my foundation off and they take two seconds and there's no involvement of splashing water onto everything. I'll do a full post on my skin care routine later that highlights all the different products I use, but as a minimum if I do nothing else I always wipe my face with these. And I keep a packet by my bed so if I'm feeling extremely lazy I can at least go to bed without makeup.

Eye Buy Direct Glasses ( here)

These were really big about a year ago so you might already own a pair! Eye Buy Direct is an online glasses site that has cute prescription glasses ranging from $9-$150! These are one of the $9 pairs and they're fantastic! And since they were so cheap I went a little crazy and got purple :). I wear them about once a week just to shake it up and give my contacts a break. But for some reason I had to search back to like March to find any blog posts wearing them? See them in  this post and and  this post. They would also be another great gift option! 

So there's the Fave Five for this time! As always I'd love to hear about your favorite products, so let me know if there's anything I need to try!

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