
Easter 2017!

This year Easter meant more to me than it ever has. With a brand new baby and in light of some heartbreaking news last week, I can't stop thinking about the fragility of life. I just want to squeeze these two and never let go. I am so grateful for the knowledge that because our Savior overcame death, we can too. 

We tried to teach Lydia about the Resurrection. Buuuut right after our mini lesson I asked her what Easter is about and she quickly shouted, "Easter Bunny!" Hahaha. We're working on it!

Also between Lydia's bedhead, Cannon's scowl and my general lack of awake-ness we're all lookin really fly in this pic ^^^ ;).

I would like to title this picture, "A Tale of Two Grandmas." Michael and I literally did not buy one thing for our kids for Easter (hashtag living in debt). This entire HUGE display is all courtesy of Grammy and Nana! Thanks to family for pitching in and making holidays so fun for our kids. 

(OH MY GOSH sidenote, as I am typing this Lydia just woke up and is shouting, "Easter Bunny!" Awww! Poor thing! For three days in a row we've had Easter egg hunts, so now she thinks every morning she gets to go find candy.)

Anyways - Easter! Lydia woke up to a basket full of stuffed animals, toys and bubbles, and then we pointed out the "hidden" eggs. She was stoked out of her mind when she realized there was candy in EVERY SINGLE EGG. I wish I could've recorded her shrieks of excitement as she cracked open egg after egg and jellybeans and cadbury eggs spilt out! Toddler dream come true! 

So what do all you parents do with your candy eggs?? Michael and I didn't want Lydia eating the whole basket so we hid it in the basement the next morning! Kind of wasteful, whoops. Next year I want to stuff the eggs with other things too, like stickers and coins maybe?

Bunny breakfast.

After a wonderful Sacrament Meeting program and two great lessons, we met up with Michael's family for an elaborate Easter Brunch!

And Lydia was obsessed with the Easter Bunny from about 15 feet away - any closer and ^^^^ this is what we got - ha!

Matching cousins! 

We're really good parents. Lydia was screaming. Oops!

My people! We both decided we look super tired in this, but it's the only non-screaming one we got! I say this so much it's annoying, but kids make holidays ROCK.

My dress: Anthropologie (similar here)
Shoes: Nordstrom (sold out)
Michael's tie: Nordstrom Rack
Lydia's dress: Gap (similar here)
Lydia's shoes: Target (here)
Lydia's bow: Target (here)
Cannon's outfit: Gap (similar here)

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