Cannon absorbing nursery rhymes through osmosis.
Last week my incredible mother-in-law was in town helping us out! She took Lydia on dates so I could sleep, she cooked us dinners, she was on her hands and knees cleaning my floors - she is amazing. THANK YOU JOAN!
The two newest cousins! Maddie and Cannon
Amidst all of this service we had lots of time to just talk about life! And we came to the conclusion that life with tiny kids is a lot of chaos and messes, but there are always the moments of silver lining that make everything worth it. (I guess this is applicable to life in general, kids or not.) And lately we've had plenty of chaotic times, but also we've been so blessed with tender, miraculous moments that bring so much gratitude.
Mama Daughter Date to the dinosaur park at City Creek! Sponsored by fruit snacks always and forever amen.
A few days ago I was determined to cook us dinner (I haven't made anything for a month). So I loaded up the kids, got to the store, and realized Michael had my wallet - mom fail. So we drove right back home and I was looking through my freezer to see what I could throw together in two hours when all of us a sudden someone knocked on my door. I opened the door to see the sweetest gal in our neighborhood with a hot casserole in her hands! "I just thought you might need this!" She smiled. "Use it now or freeze it, whatever you want!" Of course I got all choked up. How incredibly in-tune of her to think of our little family just at that moment.
The cutest hardworking husband sending a selfie from the room he's in from 5:30am till 5:30pm.
On Thursday I was trying (unsuccessfully) to nurse Cannon while Lydia simultaneously smeared a granola bar all down my pants. Cannon was starving and nursing wasn't working so I raced to hook up my pump while Lydia was crying "Up, Mama! Up!" I was rocking a screaming Cannon and pumping and trying to convince a sobbing toddler that I couldn't hold her right then and I just lost it. Big tired tears rolled down my cheeks, and when Lydia saw that she ran and got me my water bottle and said, "Drink! Mama drink!" with the sweetest smile on her face. Thank you lovebug :).
Had to document the one day I semi got ready. And yay for eyelash extensions to make me at least feel a teensy bit done when I haven't changed my bra for 2 days.
I've been pondering a lot on a phrase I heard during the LDS Women's Session of General Conference (watch it here!). President Burton mentioned a friend who was paralyzed and obviously very limited in what she could do. But instead of focusing on her disabilities, this friend created a running "Can Can List" - a list of things she CAN do! "I CAN pray, I CAN breathe, I CAN feel my Savior's love." This struck such a chord with me, since for one of the first times in my life I feel like I really cannot do much at all. But this "Can Can List" idea has come to my mind so many times this week. I may not be able to shower or sleep or get to the grocery store, but I CAN pray, I CAN snuggle my babies, I CAN accept all this wonderful service from amazing friends. (I CAN occasionally just let Lydia watch the entire movie Frozen just to get through the afternoon ;).) I know this list will grow as I become more capable as the weeks go on, but for now I'm just going to count my simple blessings as they come.
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