
Thorns and Roses

I have been quite the candle-lighter lately. I've decided the cheaper the candle, the more likely I am to burn it all the time. If I buy those expensive amazing anthropologie ones I never end up using them because I don't want to waste them! Ha.

Pic from Michael's first day of the 2nd year of medical school!

And obligatory "first day of school cookies" :).

Aftermath from Lydia's birthday party...

Messes e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e. Woo hoo!

The most beautiful flower arrangement my mom sent on my birthday! 

So I pretty much never let myself indulge in these cookies. But it was like 10am the other day and Lydia was having a rough go of it and I was feeling all sorts of pregnant and gross and decided I deserved a treat ;).

So many birthdays! Fun times celebrating Paige and Lydia and me with family.

HAAA - the first round of pregnancy announcement pics, see below ;).

The last few weeks have been full of so many events and emotions! Traveling, first trimester struggles, birthdays, school starting - it's been kind of a whirlwind. A few lows and highs...


- Not taking my makeup off 3 out of the last 4 nights. SO BAD. I immediately get zits and dry patches and all sorts of evil skin probs. My fault, I know. Lazy.

- Breaking up with the 90-year-old lady in my neighborhood. She's darling and intelligent and full of amazing tales but I just could not keep typing her life stories for her. I felt awful, but it was sucking up too much time! I think she's mad at me ;). I know "just friends" never really works but I'm hoping this time is different!

- Lydia and Naps are not getting along too hot these days... 

- When a boy you kissed a few times in college FOUR YEARS AGO messages you yesterday and says, "Do you remember when we kissed?" ?!?!?!?!?! Do not even know what to think about this.

- Constant nausea :(.


- Lydia's reaction every time she sees or hears a dog: "Dah! Dah! Dah!" :) Also, every four legged animal we see is officially a dog.

- Having sisters who are awesome and honest enough to tell you when you're potential pregnancy announcement is too tacky - LOL! I thought pineapples sounded cute in theory! Hahahaha. Thanks Liv, ily.

- Back in Utah means back in caffeine-free diet coke land! I'm trying to be better about not drinking so much caffeine and Utah is pretty great at helping with that. Even normal gas stations carry caffeine-free fountain drinks! So much better than the cans.

- Also, the obvious: being hooooome! After being gone for almost a month it is so nice to be in our own space again! Lydia has all her old books and toys back, I have my own kitchen, I have a CAR - I do not think I would survive in a city where you walk everywhere, I have too much junk I am always lugging around - so all good things!

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