
One Day We Will Actually Camp

This summer we had a huge bucket list. Go to the farmers' market. Try KFC chicken for the first time. Camp at Yellowstone.

And..... we didn't actually end up doing any of those ;).

But we did do a trial camping run! We went to Walmart, bought a tent and sleeping bags, and set it all up in the backyard and ate too many smores! 

And then we slept in the tent with Lydia till 2 in the morning when we finally couldn't take it anymore. Cute Lydia was just so excited to be in bed with us that she literally would not fall asleep. She just kept crawling all over us :).

So... Yellowstone next year? Haha. 

But until then, baby steps! Including peach cobbler with med school friends.

Give this girl a spoonful of ice cream and she's set for 30 minutes, haha.

Also! I am kind of obsessed with the smell of campfire. I know people hate it and yes it stays in your hair for eons, but it totally throws me back to childhood daddy daughter camps and tents and no showering and dirt everywhere, and in some alter life I think I could really get into that!

Michael doesn't have any breaks till Thanksgiving, so we will just have to be uber prepared for next summer and all of our camping trips ;). If we ever make it further than our backyard, ha.
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