This pregnancy is flying by in comparison. By some standards I'm already 4 months! (But I feel like every website you go on tells it differently... trimesters are all different, months are all different, sheesh. So I'll just stick with 16 weeks ;) .) I think one of the hardest things has been the guilt. I feel so bad that I am not being more hands-on with Lydia! It's interesting how just as she's getting to a hyper-clingy phase I'm getting to the point where I cannot physically let her hold onto my leg all day or hold her all day - ha. I feel like she senses I'm not giving her 100%, so she's wanting more! When I'm doing my makeup she cries at my feet until I pick her up. When I'm cooking dinner she's sitting on my toes and I feel v proud when I don't spill on her head (kidding mom). When I'm at the grocery store she now refuses to sit in the cart in lieu of being held? THIS CANNOT HAPPEN. Hahaha. It's good for me though, testing my brand new parental discipline skills! (JK I have none. Tips??) Kids are so exciting ;). Okay! 16 Week Bumpdate!
How far along: 16 weeks
Fruit size: Avocado
Weight gain: I'll find out for sure next week but I think 5 pounds total.
Maternity clothes: Pretty much! I officially can't button my jeans so I've been using the belly band and wearing leggings every chance I get. All my maternity clothes from last time around are too big though! (Like size wise - I started out a little thinner this pregnancy.) So I'm on the hunt for some cute maternity jeans. Suggestions??
Sleep: So much better! I really thought I was on the verge of collapsing a few weeks ago, but I'm getting some energy back! At nights I'm kind of restless and have The Weirdest Dreams Ever - like people trying to offer me drugs and goldfish and giraffes in my kitchen? Ha!
Symptoms: Still nauseous, but a lot better! I've gone from constant nausea to just waves every few hours (and then sprints to the toilet, see this post). So thanks to this incident I now proudly sponsor brown paper lunch sacks and keep them in my car 24/7! And if I'm really nervous I shove one in my diaper bag. Leg cramps going strong, so I'm taking magnesium every day and trying to up my water intake and put my legs up when I remember. Maybe the one teeny tiny positive of this pregnancy is I feel like my hair is getting longer? But now I have zits like a 14-year-old so I guess it all evens out somewhere.
Food cravings: Loving caesar salads and eating sugar snap peas by the bagful (and totally soaking in these rare times when I want veggies!!). Also liking pepperoncinis (those neon green wrinkly jalapeƱo things), beef jerky and sour patch kids.
Food aversions: Still can't do peanut butter. (A few people have asked if I'm not eating nuts then - nuts are fine for me, I don't know what it is but just the pasty peanut butter smell is grossing me out.) But most of the overpowering I-will-throw-up-if-I-see-that aversions are gone! Random things will sound bad or good on different days but... I feel like that's true for anyone, preggo or not haha.
Gender: We will find out in two weeks! Still thinking boy!
Bump: HUGE. I literally look like I did when I was 6 months pregnant with Lydia!! I'm not quite at the point yet where it looks like a cute bump (more like too many un-cute burritos) so I'm still wearing all things flowy. I think I felt a few flutters this week, but it definitely could've just been gas or something ;). Can't wait to start feeling those kicks for real! That makes it seem so much more official to me.
Belly button in or out: In, don't see that changing. Ever. Ha.
Thoughts: I'm so thrilled to be getting out of the house again! I was going a little stir crazy and feeling really guilty for being a lame mom to Lydia. There were a few weeks there when putting on a bra was a big deal for me, not to mention brushing my hair. Happy to report that I have indeed worn bras (um PS my chest region is getting huuuuge already... yikes) and swiped some foundation on my face the last few days! So I think we're on the upswing!