
We No Longer Sit in Carts; Grocery Shopping is Over

I think parenting for me currently consists of this never ending pendulum of emotions. 

How quickly I swing from gushy obsessed in love to blisteringly frustrated is pretty impressive.

For instance, this morning at Trader Joe's Lydia started out all sorts of adorable. She pointed at all the pumpkins, blew kisses to strangers, smelled the flowers, and my mama heart beamed with pride and wishful thinking; I officially have the world's greatest kid. 

Flash forward five minutes when Lydia refuses to sit in the cart and screams my ears off, running rampant in the store. I attempt to chase her but also grab as much off the shelves as I can so this wasn't a complete waste of time, and I simultaneously assure unsupportive onlookers that I'm sorry she knocked into your cart and I really am watching her and yes she is lively I know.

But then she turns around and looks at me with those huge blue eyes and perfect rosy lips and it's kind of impossible to stay mad for too long.

It's a blessing we have those "oh my goodness she couldn't be any cuter" moments to even out all the "I might lose it in front of all these people" ones! ;)

PS Thank you Trader Joe's for making the fall in me so happy!! Pumpkin everything.

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