
Halloween Twenty-Sixteen!

Holidays + kids = magic! I know I've said this at least 10 times but it's so true. Also let me qualify this - holidays + toddlers or older = magic. Last year was technically Lydia's first Halloween, but at 3 months old there wasn't a whole lot of partying happening. This year she was old enough to kind of get it! She LOVED being a kitty cat and saying her soft little "meow meow meow!" all day. Though she HATED getting her whiskers painted - my mom and I had to hold her down while she was screaming bloody murder and Michael streaked some paint on her. Bad parents! It was pretty much the saddest 30 seconds ever. But a little worth it right?? Haha. We got all dressed up as cats - we are boring people, I know - and went to the University of Utah Medical School Halloween party for dinner. And then the real fun began - trick or treating! We went with friends (and my mom!) to a cute little neighborhood and the kids caught on pretty quick! In fact at the very first door Lydia took the candy from the bowl, and then promptly took the candy out of her friend's pumpkin and put it in her own - HA! So I think she liked the whole concept of taking free candy ;). We went up and down one street, which was plenty for our young crew.

All the heart eyes for these leaves!

Jake, Lizzy and Lyla as patient, nurse and mini adorable doctor! Libby, Mat and Owen as old timer caddies and the cutest little old fashioned Scottish golfer you ever did see! Annnnnnd... cats. Rawr.

Confession: we don't actually know the owners of this house, we just really liked this well-lit doorstep! Haha. So after trick or treating here we hurried and had my mom snap a few pictures of the gang :).

Such a fun year and I'm sure it will just continue to get better as Lydia gets older and understands more of what is going on! I guess the one plus side of her being only 15 months is that she had no interest in eating the candy - just taking it. So I think she had one dum-dum the entire night and now she doesn't even remember the rest exists! (Probably.) So hopefully this year we actually eat some of it - not like last year when I totally forgot about it until about two weeks ago when it was all rotten ;).
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