
A Visit from My Cutie-Pie Madre

My mom hadn't been up to Utah since last March!! So we were definitely due for a visit. 

Lydia is pretty obsessed with her Nana. It's also super helpful and fun that "Nana" is one of about six words she can say! Haha.

We had the best long weekend all together. Lots of prepping for baby boy! We set up a little toddler bed in the nursery and shockingly Lydia loves it. She's only taken one nap in it so far, but that went amazingly well so I'm hoping the official transition over the next few months goes okay. 

(Any transition tips from experienced moms out there??)

We also completely cleaned out the guest room in the basement! It used to be just a huge king bed in there, but we didn't really need an entire room dedicated to a spare bed, so Michael and I sold our queen bed and took the king for ourselves! And we don't even know what to do with all this extra space! In fact the first night we were in the king we still only slept like an inch apart... haha. Don't worry, we've since realized the awesomeness of totally sprawling out. 

Anyway - so now we have this free room, and we're converting it to a playroom!! I'm so happy!

We've just been putting Lydia's toys all over the house in random bins, but I'm excited to get all organized and keep everything in one place. And lately I've been on quite the organization kick so this makes the nesting preggo in me STOKED.

Had to get a little welcome gift for my mama. Between Michael, my mom and me, it's a little embarrasing how well we know all the flavors... let's call it a talent?

PS if you ever want to win Michael over get him a bunch of Dark Chocolate Chip Truffles. I like the Butterscotch Squares. Just if you're driving by Sees and happen to be thinking about us or something ;).  

And Lydia's favorite flavor is anything Peekaboo :).

Also these shoes are life.

Also I am huge.

Also this was the most random post in history. But thank you Mom for coming up and totally spoiling us! It was so so fun having her here for Halloween with Lydia. We love her big time! 
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