
All the Photos I Forgot to Post from Three Weekends Ago

A few weeks back Michael and I had a dream weekend because #yolo and #summer and #noresponsibilities*. And we haven't crossed anything off the Summer Bucket List yet so we have to do double up when we can, ya know?

(*Michael does indeed have responsibilities, they are just super chill compared to school! I on the other hand am always free as a bird. Let's grab lunch sometime! ;) )

We started off at Foothill to grab pizza and meander. 

Bubblegum-colored bikes?? I'll take all of them, thank you.

Babinskis has the cutest baby stuff all in one place! So fun to take a peek in there.

And Banburry Cross donuts were definitely on the top of the List.

Lydia thinks she's a hot shot pushin the stroller :). Monkey see monkey do!

Aaand when J.Crew gives out free donuts a couple hours later (woot woot!) you just have to go with sugar rush round two - HA!

The next day we perused through a (very interesting) farmers market, and although the booths weren't quite our style, we loved spying on the little kid soccer game and helping Lydia "run! run! run!"

Yes, white jean flares(!?) are indeed happening here. And shockingly I didn't spill on 'em and shockingly I kinda liked 'em! 

I forgot how easy it is to take off flares. You just step on one flared end and pull your leg out and then step on the other and TIME! 2 seconds! Inching out of skinnies is typically an entire process of bending over and wriggling the ankle hem over my heel and slooowly shimmying down all the fabric and then repeating. Usually accompanied by falling over at some point. Why did we ever said goodbye to flares?

Lydia was obviously loving the swing as demonstrated by her expression (not).

Those eyes get me everytime!

And closing out with Lydia's all-time favorite, the spinny thingy! (Technical name anyone?) She is all giggles when she's in anything that spins or turns or drops (i.e. Dada letting her fall a few inches onto the bed). That's my girl!! We're gonna be lining up for roller coasters together since Michael's stomach can't do too many spins and twists. Pretty thrilled that she inherited my love of rides.

Speaking of which, I haven't been on a roller coaster in at least 2 years and I am d.y.i.n.g. When I was pregnant, there was nothing I missed more (besides sushi) than roller coasters!! I need to get to one stat.

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