
Thorns and Roses

HIGH Fitness! (Please disregard how terribly red my face gets when I work out. Ew.)

The last few weeks have been loaded with high highs and low lows. It's funny how that works for me, I'm such an all-or-nothing personality. I'm either having "the best" day or "the worst" day, haha. Ideally I find some balance, ya? And sweet Michael just keeps putting up with me in all my up down ying yang zig zagging.  I owe you big time boo.

A few sours and a few sweets as of recent: 


- This ^^^. Yep, just shattered my screen into a million pieces. To be honest, considering how frequently I drop my phone without it cracking I was kind of overdue. Thanks universe for holding out for so long!

- Had an extremely Monday-ish Monday last week. 10 minutes into grocery shopping when Michael called and said he was locked out. Raced through the grocery store so I could hurry home to let Michael in when Lydia drops a huge tub of yogurt which busts apart and sprays everywhere. Slip n Slide on Aisle 8! Once home, a nameless person who lives in our house and rides a bike accidentally knocked over a vase with said bike and that shattered, too. There's kind of this breaking theme going on? Literally that's how every single thing went on Monday. 3 cheers for Tuesdays!

- TMI here but we cannot regulate Lydia's poop? She's either blowing out 5 times a day or constipated. Poor girl...


- Lydi Girl can kind of communicate!! It is the cutest thing ever. When she's done with her dinner she'll raise her arms and say, "Ahhhhh dahhnn!" which interpreted means "All done!" If we ask for kisses she'll lean in with her mouth wiiiide open :). If we say, "Do you want a drink?" she'll look for the sippy cup and open her mouth. It's getting so fun! 

- This is not a big deal to anyone but my sisters and me but our family got more data!!! Raise the roof! With 5 girls on one plan we would always run out of data by the end of the month, which meant no looking up directions, no googling recipes in the grocery store, no Siri-ing all my texts, and most importantly no snapchatting ;). After a few months of relentless complaints from all of us sisters my dad upped our plan! 

- Attending the massive outdoor HIGH fitness class at City Creek last week! Such a fun way to get in a work out - it's kind of a dance/cheer/jumping/sweaty combo to music!

- My mom winning funniest sentence award a couple weeks ago with this one, said with much enthusiasm: "Ahh Barbie packaging is the worst - I just want to BLOW THEM ALL UP!!"

- After a rough flight alone with Lydia and lots of delays, the darling airport cart riding people zoomed over and asked if I wanted a ride. I declined because I had no money, and he said and I quote, "Ah sugar this one's on the house." So sweet!! So these cart people drove Lydia and me all the way to baggage claim and made jokes about who Lydia liked the best and I literally had tears in my eyes I was so thankful. Just what I needed. There are still good people in this world!!

- And finally, we bought a grill! Dreaming of all the grilled things we can cook up this summer - chicken of course, asparagus, pineapple, hamburgers, any delicious grill recipes I should know about??

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