
I Got Dressed {for a Date to Cowboy Grub}

The cutest couple in our neighborhood invited us on a big group date last weekend to Cowboy Grub! 

Not gonna lie, we didn't quite no what to expect with a restaurant named Cowboy Grub and the only reviews we could find said the average customer is around 80 years old :).

BUT we know our friends have good taste, and it all turned out really fun and yummy!

Everyone else got babysitters but we didn't want to pay for one (shocker ;) ) so Miss Lydia just joined in the adult conversations.

Also this top is the perfect summer blouse! Super lightweight and kind of falls away from your body so nothing is clingy and hot! I randomly found it while walking through Old Navy and everyone needs one stat. Here's a link for ya. 

PS Old Navy is really killin it right now! I feel like they're hit or miss and currently they're doing awesome!

HA so this is not the prettiest smile but I had to show you her teethers!!

She's finally getting better at smiling for strangers so that's a plus! (Not that Michael is a stranger taking our picture but you get the idea.)

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