
Better Tomorrows

These are my tired eyes.

Today I was so unnecessarily snippity, and I feel horrible about it. Lydia was a a bit of a crankster from 6am (she hasn't yet clicked with the time change) till I finally got her down at 8pm. And when she's not happy I tend to take out my impatience on everyone else! Sorry, everyone I saw today. This morning at the Sonic drive through I told the texting teen in front of me who could not drive faster than a turtle to "Move it, Sissy!" (Hallelujah my window was up.) Seriously?? First off who says sissy, secondly what's the rush? Sheesh, self. Later I was so bugged because the mall elevator was taking forever. Why did 4 people go in front of me and why did the mall only have one elevator on this side and why did the mall designers even make so many weird levels? As you can see I don't catastrophize at all ;). I proceeded to make a "scene" (doubt anyone actually saw) and cranked my stroller around and muttered something like ridiculous and stormed off to find a whole new elevator across the mall. How embarassing. And the stories keep going! A particular store was clearly not mom-approved because my stroller didn't quite fit through any of the displays, so I kept lifting up my tires dramatically and running into corners and tables and was really annoyed by the whole lay out. And when the sweet retail gal complimented my outfit I literally did not even look up at her. Oh my terrible! I just mumbled thanks and raced out, bugged that she would set up her store so un-stroller friendly because it was definitely her fault ;). There were another half a dozen minor things sprinkled throughout the day, not to mention I left my house with my 10 pound "diaper" bag only to realize there was 1 single diaper in there. So now poor Lydia has AWFUL diaper rash, like screaming in pain and it's probably my fault. So yay for today! I really nailed it ;).

A few happy things after being semi boring and definitely a downer :

These two Facetiming each other almost makes leaving worth it! (*Almost* :) ) As soon as Lydia hears the Facetime beepbeepbeepbeep she whips her head around to see the phone with a big grin on her face and can't wait to see her daddy! Then she giggles at him the entire call.

Mini fro yo cone from the other night! 

And Lydia was in heaven.

Sunshine is the best antidote for a crummy day.

Bumbo still going strong as a mock high chair in Mesa! We'll see how long we can keep this up till her legs get too chunky ;).

Repeat rose from my insta but it still makes me so happy!

Meet Wells, Lydia's birthday buddy! Alexis and I were actually texting each other when we were in labor simultaneously, ha!

I got to watch a bit of my brother-in-law's baseball game! For some reason I really enjoy watching high school sports. Maybe it's because I'm competitive? Or I'm strange and actually thought high school was tons of fun? Haha who knows.

Tried a pop tart for the first time in years. Not quite as good as I remember ;).

Well thanks for bearing with me through the most random post of history. 

Hooray for better tomorrows! 

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