
I Got Dressed 05

I'll just call it how it was, Thursday stunk.

Lydia slept for all of 3 ½ hours the night before. She was up screaming and nothing would calm her down! I couldn't rock her, couldn't feed her, couldn't cuddle her in our bed, nothing. And she seemed scared, like she had a mini baby nightmare! I hope not. Can babies have nightmares? So then my 2am mind is racing and I'm googling baby nightmares and baby monitor hackers and why is my child sreaming and is a temp of 97.4 too cold.

So lack of sleep stirred with a tablespoon of worry and a pinch of self-pity made me a total grump.  (Apologies for the baking references, I just made muffins.)

And into the sweatpants drawer I did delve!

Black on black on black and no makeup and no shower seemed fitting. Aren't you so glad I documented this for you?? ;)

Superwoman pose, it's casual.


This is my AHHHH only 6 more hours till bedtime! face. lol.
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