
Busy Doing Good Things

Please note the little foot propped up :).

The past few days I've been in a bit of a fog. You know how that is? Going through the motions but you're not all the way there. A little blue. To be totally honest, I'm bored! Lydia has my whole heart, and she is E.A.S.Y. Which means we play peek-a-boo, and then I do the dishes. We read books, and then I vacuum the rug (that's constantly spit up on). We go to the park, and then I throw dinner in the crock pot. And before I know it she's down for a nap and the house is clean and now what? I have always thrived on busy-ness. I feel like people are generally happiest staying really busy doing things they love. And everyone's definition of "really busy" and "things they love" is so vastly different. This could be anything from teaching 4th grade to performing brain surgeries to chasing around 2 little kids all day! So I'm in the process of figuring out what sparks my excitment and is also practical with a child. Maybe I'll go back to teaching part time! Maybe I'll coach tennis again! Maybe I'll get pregnant with triplets and I'll slap myself for writing this! Who knows. Do you?? Tell me if you do! ;) 

Church ditchers.

Mint + scalloped = heart eyes all day. Potential diaper bag??

Saturday date night to Owen's first birthday party! Thanks Libby for the fun get together!!

I told Michael I could make cookies in less than 5 minutes - and he took me up on it. :) Flour everywhere. But I did it! BAM.

Lydia's great grandma Sue, her namesake!

Our little home makes me so happy. What dandelions? ;) 

Happy Tuesday people!


  1. What a sweet home sweet home! I have to ask, what's the name of your exterior paint color? Love it!

    1. Thank you Marilyn! I don't actually know what it is, we moved in with it already painted this color, sorry! But it seems pretty close to Benjamin Moore Slate Blue :).


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