
Finders Keepers

A few months back I was walking with Lydia around our neighborhood and noticed an "Estate Sale" sign with about 11 cars parked out front this house. Basically an estate sale means (I think... correct me if I'm way off base here) that every single item in the house is for sale because the owners passed away or the bank took their home or something like that. Crazy! So I walk into this house and literally ever single item is organized with a price tag on it. Everything from rusted muffin tins to yellowed lace tablecloths to half-used floss containers. SO BIZARRE. And kind of sad! Years of memories from well-worn books and old fashioned dresses and handwritten journals, now just left for the public to come rip through and see what they deem as valuable. It was such a fascinating experience, and I probably spent way too long in there just looking at all of the hundreds of items. 

And of course, I left with a few scores! 

This wooden train set was sitting on a shelf in the back room. Fun! Vintage, colorful, big enough blocks that Lydia can't try to eat them, and $5!

It's hard to really see the detail in this picture, but I also snagged this ugly sweater! Purple and green and hooded and all sorts of fabulous 90s mess. 

*I double washed it before wearing it, don't worry.*

And lastly I saw this pretty print for $0.50 and could not pass it up. How sweet! The edges were worn  but I pressed it in a frame and now it looks brand new.

Do you know there is an entire slew of people who search online and in newspapers where estate sales are and then drive around town every weekend to rummage through dead people's stuff?? A very... unique crowd, I will say. A little rough around the edges. But in some alternate life I feel like maybe I would get into this kind of stuff?? It's just so interesting seeing what people collect and use and like and read and on and on.

That definitely sounded creepy.

No! I will only buy brand new sparkly things of good quality that are timeless in their style and will last me for decades.

NOT. I have such a soft spot for thrifting.

Oops! :)

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