
My Love Affair with Trader Joe's {Packaged Yummies}

Howdy and happy Monday! 

(I'm a sucker for samples.)

Kicking off Part 2 of my Trader Joe's series with some of my favorite packaged foods. Freezer sections, snacky stuff, all that goodness. (Part 1 included fresh produce like veggies and cheeses and refrigerated items, and it's also where I sung the praises of TJ's, see it here.) Disclaimer: I took all these pictures way back in March so A) there have been a few more discoveries since then and B) don't mind all the expiration dates you see on packages and C) sorry for all lovely pictures of my left thumb ;). Let's dive in! 

Trader Joe's // Packaged Yummies

I'll kick it off with your basic pretzel stick. YUM.

Their pb is perfectly salty and ever-so-slightly grainy, which I like!

Of course their famous Cookie Butter! Michael eats a spoonful of this for dessert almost daily. If you haven't tried this, it's pretty life altering.

I love using this for a hint of coconut in place of regular PAM!

Their balsamic glaze is fantastic and good for everything! Thicker and sweeter than straight up balsamic vinegar, we drizzle it over pizza, roasted veggies, caprese salad - it is amazing.

I'm slightly obsessed with all asian/thai/indian food, so we always keep a bottle of this on hand. Great for potstickers, cucumber salad, chicken satay, etc.

If you are ever wondering what you want for breakfast/lunch/dinner/3pm snack that takes two minutes with almost no clean up - BAM I've found your answer. We love these at our house! Literally add water and pour on the pan (sprayed with the coconut spray above!) and you're done. We served these all fancy-like at our Easter Party here and they were a huge hit! 

*PS - don't mind the wacky measuring instructions on the box - just pour the mix into a bowl and add water till you get normal pancake batter consistency ;).

Cheapest Quest Bars in town. I probably have 3 of these a week - high protein, low sugar, delish.

All their frozen meals are pretty creative and tasty. You can't go wrong with their Kung Pao Chicken and the Gyoza below. Not the healthiest meal, but quick and good!


Yum again (with more of that Sweet Thai Chili sauce above)!

They have a great selection of frozen mexican foods that Michael takes to school for lunches.

These quesadillas are bomb.

I've pretty much liked all the frozen veggies I've tried! It's nice to keep a few different veggie bags in the freezer for healthy additions to lunches/dinners.

This medley can go really any direction, which is nice.

I could save this for the treats post I'll do next, buuuut it's greek yogurt so it's basically healthy right!? I love this with blackberries, sliced almonds and agave!

Best almond milk (and coconut milk!) around.

Perfect for salads and yogurt!

TJ's is awesome because they sell these bags for around $6, and each one has 10 little snack packs of nuts and dried fruits! I always have a little pack in my diaper bag.

Lydia's fave.

Lydia's other fave. Great for tiny hands! 

Aaaand closing out with these babies. For all you salty sweet lovers out there, this is your new happy place. A.MA.ZING.

Well there's enough low quality pics of my thumb for one day! Have you guys tried any of these slash what else should I know about?? 


  1. I have a dream that Trader Joe's will open in London at least weekly. Maybe someday....

    1. Hahaha that is hilarious!! But I'm sure you have super cool grocery stores in London?! Maybe not!


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