
Routines Can Be Good Things

You know how people always say, "I hate change!" ? 

I am not one of those people. 

Actually I am the exact opposite. 

I thrive on change. If something hasn't been stirred up for a few weeks I start to get antsy. I think our bedroom needs to be re-decorated. I'm going to fly to San Francisco. You need to chop my hair off right now! (Said to Michael at 11:45pm one night. Sad day for both of us.) Well a couple weeks back I started getting these promptings that I needed to get into more of a routine. Routines can house so much productivity and personal growth. Exercise, prayers, consistent story time with Lydia, the list goes on. I'd been feeling really strongly about this for a few days when Michael came to me out of nowhere and said, "I've been feeling like I need to be more on a schedule!" How awesome! So we've made it a goal (I feel like I always say this, haha apparently we need to set lots of goals* at this house to get things done), to both be in bed a lot earlier, around 9:30pm, and to wake up around 5:30am. 

And guess what?

I am loving it! 

Every morning our alarm goes off and it's still pitch dark but I throw on gym clothes and Michael goes to the basement to study. I get a good work out in, come back and make us breakfast and then a few minutes later my favorite little voice starts squaking. We always fight over who gets to go in and get her out of the crib ;). By this point its 7:30 in the morning and I already feel so accomplished! Granted, we are not 100% perfect, and we've only been doing this for a few weeks, but so far we've really liked this routine thing. 

* Speaking of goals, our goal of being silly is going strong! Lots of spontaneous froyo dates and one-way dance parties (where Michael breaks loose and I happily sit on the couch and cheer him on ;) ).

So yay for routines! What are some of your favorite ones? Funny bedtime rituals? Good exercise routines? Anything!

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